
Sunday, 28 June 2015

Snedril Vasque Theorem

This theorem relates to a class of daerthropes within the periclentious fendument.

First, two definitions.
  • Vasque is used to relate to a restricted area within the fendument.
  • Snedril is an acronym - "sub-namli enabling daerthrope ranking in localised"
Sometimes "Snedril Vasque" is abbreviated further to SV.

Basic Theorem

Within a specified vasque, the presence of an ebaschulent embropheme ensures  that the quessivity property is enabled in all daerthropes within the same vasque.

N.B. The adjective ebaschulent itself is a partial acronym - "Enabling a  Base Activant Setting Creating a Hierarchy Under Limits".

The volume bounded by the concave part of the plaurioa, containing the corlex region and egloberal strands, is an example of such a vasque to which the Snedril Vasque Theorem applies. Within this vasque, the pendiphlabatic neulones are ebaschulent.

Two daerthropes compete to react within the corlex squamata. These are
  • Gylon Concentrate
  • Chysanthrone Synthetase.
Chysanthrone Synthetase is superquessive to Gylon Concentrate, which means that chysanthrone synthesis occurs in preference to xebosynthesis.

Corollary to the Snedril Vasque Theorem (in relation to the corlex region)

If the ebaschulent embropheme is endocyclonous, egloberin will be restricted making its superquessivity to gylon concentrate an irrelevance.

This is the original wording of the corollary. Egloberin is another term for chysanthrone synthetase, reflecting the source of the daerthrope (i.e. the egloberal nodes). Whilst still accurate, the term is rarely used these days. as fendumentologists usually wish to stress the before/after relationship between the daerthropes involved in chysanthrone synthesis.

Endocyclon affects the permeability of the hystelcium layer to chysanthrone synthetase, so the latter is unable to enter the corlex squamata. Consequently, gylon concentrate may be processed without any quessivity issues. In other words, Xebofactor Precursor (XFP) can be formed, providing the trigger for xebosynthesis.

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