
Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Sub Namli


Examination of the irregular indentations upon the surface of pendiphlabatic neulones confirmed that these were a major source of generalised phlaba.

These were issued via a trumpet shaped bezet at the bottom of the indentation. Around this bezet, a series of tubular openings were found, these periodically issuing what originally appeared to be another type of namli. These were named pectlions, and the indentations became known as pectlionic gaps.

It was subsequently discovered that, rather than a type of namli, these were a cluster of even smaller embrophemes.  This class of embrophemes were named sub-namli, and it was agreed that the term pectlion should be redefined to refer to these particular sub namli, and the cluster should be redefined as a pectlionic cluster.

Pectlionic clusters had no problem in traversing the globinscular region, and have been observed all around the periclentious fendument. Upon encountering an embropheme, they appear to split and the individual pectlions will penetrate the embropheme.

The choice of embropheme does not appear to be random, and investigations continue into the driving factor.

With the discovery of this particular sub-namli, investigations were made to see if further sub-namli could be found.


It had been known for some time that some embrophemes, whilst otherwise unrelated, possessed an unusual bezet whose purpose was unclear. In appearance, the bezets are irregularly shaped patches whose surfaces gave the impression that they are subtly changing shape. As examples, these patches may be found around the sides of pectlionic gaps on the pendiphlabatic neulones, and randomly on the surface of the nidegral orb.

With the search for new sub-namli, these patches were examined in more detail. It emerged that the bezets comprised a host of small spherical extrusions which were continually growing, bursting, being reabsorbed and then being reformed. Each burst of a miniature bubble revealed an individual sub namli primed for issue into the globinscular region. These sub namli would eventually be named ebulons.

Ebulons could only venture into the globinscular region if that part of the region was a vasque formed by a cruomative force.

A theory had been expounded that these bezets were in some way related to the action of nearby daerthropes. The ebulon was the linking factor which led to the establishment of the Snedril Vasque Theorem

Embrophemes which possessed the patch were called ebaschulent. It was found that ebulons could traverse the vasque and enter any embropheme that encroached upon the vasque. Upon encountering daerthropes, they would enable the base activant settings of these daerthropes.

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